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Created on 2015/7/8

class vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.Openflow(allowedVersions=None)

Openflow control protocol



Parameters:allowedVersions – if specified, should be a tuple of allowed OpenFlow versions.
batch(requests, connection, container, raiseonerror=True)

Send multiple requests, return when all the requests are done. Requests can have no responses. container.openflow_reply is the list of messages in receiving order. container.openflow_replydict is the dictionary {request:reply}. The attributes are set even if an OpenflowErrorResultException is raised.


routine for connection closed


routine for connection error


routine for connection initialization


routine executed when there has been a long time since last data arrival. Check if the connection is down.

parse(connection, data, laststart)

Parse input data into events :param connection: connection object :param data: view for input data :param laststart: last parsed position :returns: (events, keep) where events are parsed events to send, keep is the unused data length to be keeped for next parse.

querymultipart(request, connection, container, raiseonerror=True)

Send a multipart request, wait for all the responses. Return a list of reply messages by container.openflow_reply

querywithreply(request, connection, container, raiseonerror=True)

Send an OpenFlow normal request, wait for the response of this request. The request must have exactly one response. The reply is stored to container.openflow_reply


routine for reconnect

replymatcher(request, connection, iserror=None)

Create an event matcher to match a reply to this request

statematcher(connection, state='down', currentconn=True)

Create an event matcher to match the connection state of this connection

class vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.OpenflowAsyncMessageEvent(*args, **kwargs)

Event for an async message is received

class vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.OpenflowConnectionStateEvent(*args, **kwargs)

Event when connection state changes

exception vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.OpenflowErrorResultException

OpenFlow returns error

class vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.OpenflowExperimenterMessageEvent(*args, **kwargs)

Event for experimenter messages

class vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.OpenflowPresetupMessageEvent(*args, **kwargs)

Event for messages before connection setup

exception vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.OpenflowProtocolException

Critical protocol break exception

class vlcp.protocol.openflow.openflow.OpenflowResponseEvent(*args, **kwargs)

Event for an OpenFlow response is received