3.2. Function Module List

VLCP function modules are classes that can be loaded to / unloaded from the server dynamically. With different modules loaded, VLCP can provide very different functions. Users may decide which functions they would like to use by configurating server.startup configuration.

3.2.1. Server Start/Stop and Modules

When VLCP server starts, all startup modules in server.startup are loaded into server and started. They each start their own routines to provide their services. Some modules have dependencies on other modules, the dependencies are automatically started first.

The server.startup configuration is a tuple of loading paths of modules. A module is actually a Python class derived from vlcp.service.module.Module. The loading path of a module is the full path of the Python module file contains the class, followed by a dot and the class name, like vlcp.service.connection.httpserver.HttpServer. The module name of a module is the lower-cased class name, like httpserver. VLCP modules with the same module name cannot be loaded or used together.

Server stop when all the routines stop, this is usually when:

  • All connections and server sockets are closed, and all pended jobs are done
  • The server receives an end signal (SIGINT, SIGTERM) and stops all the routines
  • All modules are unloaded

3.2.2. Module API

Modules provide functions through a lot of methods, the most important one of which is the Module API. Module APIs are methods exposed by the module to be called from other modules, or directly from the end user.

Parameters for Module APIs are always provided with keyword-arguments: arguments positions do not matter. Call Module API from WebAPI

A management module webapi exposes all module APIs through a management HTTP service. Through this management function, you can call module APIs with curl:

curl -g -d 'param1=value1&param2=value2' \

The URL path of the request should be /modulename/apiname, where modulename is the module name i.e. the lower-cased class name, and apiname is the API name i.e. the lower-cased method name.

By default, the management API supports HTTP GET (with query string), HTTP POST (with standard form data), and HTTP POST with JSON-format POST data. Though use the HTTP GET/POST format is usually the easiest way to call the API in Shell command-line, when integrating with other systems JSON-format POST may be more convient.

`` quoted expression is a VLCP-specified extension. Some APIs need data types other than strings for its parameters. When a string parameter is quoted by ``, VLCP recognizes it as a literal expression in Python. You may use numbers, string, tuples, list, dictionary, sets and any combinations of them in a quoted expression:

curl -g -d 'complexparam=`[1,2,{"name":("value",set(1,2,3))}]`' \

Make sure to surround the `` expression with ‘’ to prevent it from excuting as a shell command.

Also notice that ‘[]’ have special meanings in curl, that is why we use -g option to turn it off.

The return value of the module API is formatted with JSON-format, return with {"result": <data...>} format. If any error occurs, the HTTP request returns a 4xx or 5xx HTTP status, with a JSON body {"error": "<errormessage>"}. Exception details can be found in system logs. Call Module API from Debugging Console

When using debugging console module console, you can use callapi() method to call module APIs easily in the debugging console as other modules. This method accepts keyword-arguments. for example:

for m in callapi(container, "objectdb", "getonce",key="xx"):
    yield m

will call objectdb module api getonce.


debugging console module will also start telnet server on localhost:9923 you can choose telnet it when server run in daemon mode. Module API Discovery

Every module supports a special API discovery. When discovery is called, a list of supported endpoints and their descriptions are returned. With an extra parameter details=true, it also returns information for arguments and their default values. For example, you can call:

curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/viperflow/discover?details=true' | python -m json.tool

To view the API details of module viperflow.

3.2.3. Dynamic Load / Unload / Reload Modules

If manager module is loaded, you can use its APIs to load, unload or reload modules on the fly. When reloading modules, the files containing VLCP module classes are reloaded to use the latest code on disk, so it is possible to upgrade modules without stopping the service.


This should be considered as an advanced feature. Not all modules are strictly tested against reloading. Use this function with caution.

3.2.4. All Module List

These are modules currently shipped with VLCP and vlcp-docker-plugin.


This is a generated list. Not all module APIs are designed to be used by end users directly. Lots of them are providing services for other modules. scriptmodule

Loading Path vlcp.scripts.script.ScriptModule
Class Reference vlcp.scripts.script.ScriptModule
Dependencies (None)

Base script module httpserver

Loading Path vlcp.service.connection.httpserver.HttpServer
Class Reference vlcp.service.connection.httpserver.HttpServer
Dependencies (None)

Create HTTP server on specified URLs, vHosts are supported.

API List

httpserver/getservers (vhost=None)

Return current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
httpserver/stoplisten (vhost=None)

Stop listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
httpserver/startlisten (vhost=None)

Start listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
httpserver/updateconfig ()

Reload configurations, remove non-exist servers, add new servers, and leave others unchanged

httpserver/getconnections (vhost=None)

Return accepted connections, optionally filtered by vhost jsonrpcserver

Loading Path vlcp.service.connection.jsonrpcserver.JsonRPCServer
Class Reference vlcp.service.connection.jsonrpcserver.JsonRPCServer
Dependencies (None)

Create JsonRPC server on specified URLs, vHosts are supported.

API List

jsonrpcserver/getservers (vhost=None)

Return current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
jsonrpcserver/stoplisten (vhost=None)

Stop listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
jsonrpcserver/startlisten (vhost=None)

Start listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
jsonrpcserver/updateconfig ()

Reload configurations, remove non-exist servers, add new servers, and leave others unchanged

jsonrpcserver/getconnections (vhost=None)

Return accepted connections, optionally filtered by vhost openflowserver

Loading Path vlcp.service.connection.openflowserver.OpenflowServer
Class Reference vlcp.service.connection.openflowserver.OpenflowServer
Dependencies (None)

Create OpenFlow server on specified URLs, vHosts are supported.

API List

openflowserver/getservers (vhost=None)

Return current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
openflowserver/stoplisten (vhost=None)

Stop listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
openflowserver/startlisten (vhost=None)

Start listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
openflowserver/updateconfig ()

Reload configurations, remove non-exist servers, add new servers, and leave others unchanged

openflowserver/getconnections (vhost=None)

Return accepted connections, optionally filtered by vhost redisdb

Loading Path vlcp.service.connection.redisdb.RedisDB
Class Reference vlcp.service.connection.redisdb.RedisDB
Dependencies (None)

Create redis clients to connect to redis server

API List

redisdb/getservers (vhost=None)

Return current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
redisdb/stoplisten (vhost=None)

Stop listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
redisdb/startlisten (vhost=None)

Start listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
redisdb/updateconfig ()

Reload configurations, remove non-exist servers, add new servers, and leave others unchanged

redisdb/getconnections (vhost=None)

Return accepted connections, optionally filtered by vhost

redisdb/getclient (vhost='')

Return a tuple of (redisclient, encoder, decoder) for specified vhost

redisdb/get (key, timeout=None, vhost='')

Get value from key

redisdb/set (key, value, timeout=None, vhost='')

Set value to key, with an optional timeout

redisdb/delete (key, vhost='')

Delete a key from the storage

redisdb/mget (keys, vhost='')

Get multiple values from multiple keys

redisdb/mgetwithcache (keys, vhost='', cache=None)

Get multiple values, cached when possible

redisdb/mset (kvpairs, timeout=None, vhost='')

Set multiple values on multiple keys

redisdb/update (key, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update in-place with a custom function

  • key – key to update
  • updaterfunc(k,v), should return a new value to update, or return None to delete. The function may be call more than once.
  • timeout – new timeout

the updated value, or None if deleted

redisdb/mupdate (keys, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update multiple keys in-place with a custom function, see update. Either all success, or all fail.

redisdb/updateall (keys, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update multiple keys in-place, with a function updater(keys, values) which returns (updated_keys, updated_values).

Either all success or all fail

redisdb/updateallwithtime (keys, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update multiple keys in-place, with a function updater(keys, values, timestamp) which returns (updated_keys, updated_values).

Either all success or all fail.

Timestamp is a integer standing for current time in microseconds.

redisdb/listallkeys (vhost='')

Return all keys in the KVDB. For management purpose. zookeeperdb

Loading Path vlcp.service.connection.zookeeperdb.ZooKeeperDB
Class Reference vlcp.service.connection.zookeeperdb.ZooKeeperDB
Dependencies (None)

Create zookeeper clients to connect to redis server

API List

zookeeperdb/getservers (vhost=None)

Return current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
zookeeperdb/stoplisten (vhost=None)

Stop listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
zookeeperdb/startlisten (vhost=None)

Start listen on current servers

Parameters:vhost – return only servers of vhost if specified. ‘’ to return only default servers. None for all servers.
zookeeperdb/updateconfig ()

Reload configurations, remove non-exist servers, add new servers, and leave others unchanged

zookeeperdb/getconnections (vhost=None)

Return accepted connections, optionally filtered by vhost

zookeeperdb/getclient (vhost='')

Return a tuple of (zookeeperclient, encoder, decoder) for specified vhost

zookeeperdb/get (key, timeout=None, vhost='')

Get value from key

zookeeperdb/set (key, value, timeout=None, vhost='')

Set value to key, with an optional timeout

zookeeperdb/delete (key, vhost='')

Delete a key from the storage

zookeeperdb/mget (keys, vhost='')

Get multiple values from multiple keys

zookeeperdb/mgetwithcache (keys, vhost='', cache=None)

Get multiple values, cached when possible

zookeeperdb/mset (kvpairs, timeout=None, vhost='')

Set multiple values on multiple keys

zookeeperdb/update (key, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update in-place with a custom function

  • key – key to update
  • updaterfunc(k,v), should return a new value to update, or return None to delete. The function may be call more than once.
  • timeout – new timeout

the updated value, or None if deleted

zookeeperdb/mupdate (keys, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update multiple keys in-place with a custom function, see update.

Either all success, or all fail.

zookeeperdb/updateall (keys, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update multiple keys in-place, with a function updater(keys, values) which returns (updated_keys, updated_values).

Either all success or all fail

zookeeperdb/updateallwithtime (keys, updater, timeout=None, vhost='')

Update multiple keys in-place, with a function updater(keys, values, timestamp) which returns (updated_keys, updated_values).

Either all success or all fail.

Timestamp is a integer standing for current time in microseconds.

zookeeperdb/recycle (keys, vhost='')

Recycle extra versions from the specified keys.

zookeeperdb/createnotifier (vhost=None)

Create a new notifier object

zookeeperdb/listallkeys (vhost='')

Return all keys in the KVDB. For management purpose.

zookeeperdb/status (vhost='') console

Loading Path vlcp.service.debugging.console.Console
Class Reference vlcp.service.debugging.console.Console
Dependencies (None)

VLCP debugging console.

Besides the normal functions of Python interactive console, Following variables are provided for debugging purpose:

server, manager, container

Following functions can be used to control VLCP running:

callapi, capture, sendevent, subroutine, execute, breakpoint, syscall, resume, debug, restore_console, console_help

For details call console_help() objectdb

Loading Path vlcp.service.kvdb.objectdb.ObjectDB
Class Reference vlcp.service.kvdb.objectdb.ObjectDB

Abstract transaction layer for KVDB

API List

objectdb/mget (keys, requestid, nostale=False)

Get multiple objects and manage them. Return references to the objects.

objectdb/get (key, requestid, nostale=False)

Get an object from specified key, and manage the object. Return a reference to the object or None if not exists.

objectdb/mgetonce (keys, nostale=False)

Get multiple objects, return copies of them. Referenced objects are not retrieved.

objectdb/getonce (key, nostale=False)

Get a object without manage it. Return a copy of the object, or None if not exists. Referenced objects are not retrieved.

objectdb/mwatch (keys, requestid, nostale=False)

Try to return all the references, see watch()

objectdb/watch (key, requestid, nostale=False)

Try to find an object and return a reference. Use reference.isdeleted() to test whether the object exists. Use reference.wait(container) to wait for the object to be existed.

objectdb/munwatch (keys, requestid)

Cancel management of keys

objectdb/unwatch (key, requestid)

Cancel management of a key

objectdb/unwatchall (requestid)

Cancel management for all keys that are managed by requestid

objectdb/transact (keys, updater, withtime=False)

Try to update keys in a transact, with an updater(keys, values), which returns (updated_keys, updated_values).

The updater may be called more than once. If withtime = True, the updater should take three parameters: (keys, values, timestamp) with timestamp as the server time

objectdb/watchlist (requestid=None)

Return a dictionary whose keys are database keys, and values are lists of request ids. Optionally filtered by request id

objectdb/walk (keys, walkerdict, requestid, nostale=False)

Recursively retrieve keys with customized functions. walkerdict is a dictionary key->walker(key, obj, walk, save). redisnotifier

Loading Path vlcp.service.kvdb.redisnotifier.RedisNotifier
Class Reference vlcp.service.kvdb.redisnotifier.RedisNotifier

Update notification with Redis Pub/Sub

API List

redisnotifier/createnotifier ()

Create a new notifier object manager

Loading Path vlcp.service.manage.modulemanager.Manager
Class Reference vlcp.service.manage.modulemanager.Manager
Dependencies (None)

Manage module loading/unloading. Optionally reload a module when modified.

API List

manager/enableautoreload (enabled=True)

Enable or disable auto reload.

Parameters:enabled – enable if True, disable if False
manager/activemodules ()

Return current loaded modules

manager/reloadmodules (pathlist)

Reload specified modules.

Parameters:pathlist – list of module path
manager/loadmodule (path)

Load specified module

Parameters:path – module path (e.g. vlcp.service.connection.httpserver.HttpServer)
manager/unloadmodule (path)

Unload specified module

Parameters:path – module path (e.g. vlcp.service.connection.httpserver.HttpServer) webapi

Loading Path vlcp.service.manage.webapi.WebAPI
Class Reference vlcp.service.manage.webapi.WebAPI

Call module API from web. Free access to any module APIs may create serious security problems, make sure to configure this module properly. arpresponder

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.arpresponder.ARPResponder
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.arpresponder.ARPResponder

Send ARP respond

API List

arpresponder/createproxyarp (connection, arpentries)

Create ARP respond flow for specified ARP entries, each is a tuple (ip_address, mac_address, logical_network_id, local). When local is True, only respond to ARP request from logical port; when local is False, only respond to ARP request from physical port; respond to both else.

arpresponder/removeproxyarp (connection, arpentries)

Remove specified ARP entries. dhcpserver

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.dhcpserver.DHCPServer
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.dhcpserver.DHCPServer

DHCP server that responds the DHCP discover/request with static IP address settings

API List

dhcpserver/gettablerequest ()

Table requirement for this module icmpresponder

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.icmpresponder.ICMPResponder
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.icmpresponder.ICMPResponder

Respond ICMP echo (ping) requests to the gateway

API List

icmpresponder/gettablerequest ()

Table requirement for this module ioprocessing

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.ioprocessing.IOProcessing
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.ioprocessing.IOProcessing

Ingress and Egress processing

API List

ioprocessing/gettablerequest ()

Table requirement for this module l2switch

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.l2switch.L2Switch
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.l2switch.L2Switch

L2 switch functions

API List

l2switch/gettablerequest ()

Table requirement for this module l3router

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.l3router.L3Router
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.l3router.L3Router

L3 connectivities with virtual router.

API List

l3router/gettablerequest ()

Table requirement for this module openflowmanager

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.ofpmanager.OpenflowManager
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.ofpmanager.OpenflowManager

Manage Openflow Connections

API List

openflowmanager/getconnections (datapathid, vhost='')

Return all connections of datapath

openflowmanager/getconnection (datapathid, auxiliaryid=0, vhost='')

Get current connection of datapath

openflowmanager/waitconnection (datapathid, auxiliaryid=0, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for a datapath connection

openflowmanager/getdatapathids (vhost='')

Get All datapath IDs

openflowmanager/getalldatapathids ()

Get all datapath IDs from any vhost. Return (vhost, datapathid) pair.

openflowmanager/getallconnections (vhost='')

Get all connections from vhost. If vhost is None, return all connections from any host

openflowmanager/getconnectionsbyendpoint (endpoint, vhost='')

Get connection by endpoint address (IP, IPv6 or UNIX socket address)

openflowmanager/getconnectionsbyendpointname (name, vhost='', timeout=30)

Get connection by endpoint name (Domain name, IP or IPv6 address)

openflowmanager/getendpoints (vhost='')

Get all endpoints for vhost

openflowmanager/getallendpoints ()

Get all endpoints from any vhost. Return (vhost, endpoint) pairs.

openflowmanager/acquiretable (modulename)

Start to acquire tables for a module on module loading.

openflowmanager/unacquiretable (modulename)

When module is unloaded, stop acquiring tables for this module.

openflowmanager/lastacquiredtables (vhost='')

Get acquired table IDs openflowportmanager

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.ofpportmanager.OpenflowPortManager
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.ofpportmanager.OpenflowPortManager

Manage Ports from Openflow Protocol

API List

openflowportmanager/getports (datapathid, vhost='')

Return all ports of a specifed datapath

openflowportmanager/getallports (vhost=None)

Return all (datapathid, port, vhost) tuples, optionally filterd by vhost

openflowportmanager/getportbyno (datapathid, portno, vhost='')

Return port with specified OpenFlow portno

openflowportmanager/waitportbyno (datapathid, portno, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for the specified OpenFlow portno to appear, or until timeout.

openflowportmanager/getportbyname (datapathid, name, vhost='')

Return port with specified port name

openflowportmanager/waitportbyname (datapathid, name, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for a port with the specified port name to appear, or until timeout

openflowportmanager/resync (datapathid, vhost='')

Resync with current ports ovsdbmanager

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.ovsdbmanager.OVSDBManager
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.ovsdbmanager.OVSDBManager

Manage Openflow Connections

API List

ovsdbmanager/getconnection (datapathid, vhost='')

Get current connection of datapath

ovsdbmanager/waitconnection (datapathid, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for a datapath connection

ovsdbmanager/getdatapathids (vhost='')

Get All datapath IDs

ovsdbmanager/getalldatapathids ()

Get all datapath IDs from any vhost. Return (vhost, datapathid) pair.

ovsdbmanager/getallconnections (vhost='')

Get all connections from vhost. If vhost is None, return all connections from any host

ovsdbmanager/getbridges (connection)

Get all (dpid, name, _uuid) tuple on this connection

ovsdbmanager/getbridge (connection, name)

Get datapath ID on this connection with specified name

ovsdbmanager/getbridgebyuuid (connection, uuid)

Get datapath ID of bridge on this connection with specified _uuid

ovsdbmanager/waitbridge (connection, name, timeout=30)

Wait for bridge with specified name appears and return the datapath-id

ovsdbmanager/waitbridgebyuuid (connection, uuid, timeout=30)

Wait for bridge with specified _uuid appears and return the datapath-id

ovsdbmanager/getsystemids (vhost='')

Get All system-ids

ovsdbmanager/getallsystemids ()

Get all system-ids from any vhost. Return (vhost, system-id) pair.

ovsdbmanager/getconnectionbysystemid (systemid, vhost='')
ovsdbmanager/waitconnectionbysystemid (systemid, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for a connection with specified system-id

ovsdbmanager/getconnectionsbyendpoint (endpoint, vhost='')

Get connection by endpoint address (IP, IPv6 or UNIX socket address)

ovsdbmanager/getconnectionsbyendpointname (name, vhost='', timeout=30)

Get connection by endpoint name (Domain name, IP or IPv6 address)

ovsdbmanager/getendpoints (vhost='')

Get all endpoints for vhost

ovsdbmanager/getallendpoints ()

Get all endpoints from any vhost. Return (vhost, endpoint) pairs.

ovsdbmanager/getallbridges (vhost=None)

Get all (dpid, name, _uuid) tuple for all connections, optionally filtered by vhost

ovsdbmanager/getbridgeinfo (datapathid, vhost='')

Get (bridgename, systemid, bridge_uuid) tuple from bridge datapathid

ovsdbmanager/waitbridgeinfo (datapathid, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for bridge with datapathid, and return (bridgename, systemid, bridge_uuid) tuple ovsdbportmanager

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.ovsdbportmanager.OVSDBPortManager
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.ovsdbportmanager.OVSDBPortManager

Manage Ports from OVSDB Protocol

API List

ovsdbportmanager/getports (datapathid, vhost='')

Return all ports of a specifed datapath

ovsdbportmanager/getallports (vhost=None)

Return all (datapathid, port, vhost) tuples, optionally filterd by vhost

ovsdbportmanager/getportbyid (id, vhost='')

Return port with the specified id. The return value is a pair: (datapath_id, port)

ovsdbportmanager/waitportbyid (id, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for port with the specified id. The return value is a pair (datapath_id, port)

ovsdbportmanager/getportbyname (datapathid, name, vhost='')

Return port with specified name

ovsdbportmanager/waitportbyname (datapathid, name, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for port with specified name

ovsdbportmanager/getportbyno (datapathid, portno, vhost='')

Return port with specified portno

ovsdbportmanager/waitportbyno (datapathid, portno, timeout=30, vhost='')

Wait for port with specified portno

ovsdbportmanager/resync (datapathid, vhost='')

Resync with current ports networklocaldriver

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networklocaldriver.NetworkLocalDriver
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networklocaldriver.NetworkLocalDriver
Dependencies (None)

Network driver for local networks. Local networks cannot have physical ports; logical networks in local networks do not have external connectivities, only endpoints on the same server can access each other. networknativedriver

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networknativedriver.NetworkNativeDriver
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networknativedriver.NetworkNativeDriver
Dependencies (None)

Network driver for native networks. Native network is a physical network provides only one logical network capacity. Packets from the logical network is directly forwarded to the physical network. networkvlandriver

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networkvlandriver.NetworkVlanDriver
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networkvlandriver.NetworkVlanDriver
Dependencies (None)

Network driver for VXLAN networks. When creating a VXLAN type physical network, you must specify an extra option vlanrange. networkvxlandriver

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networkvxlandriver.NetworkVxlanDriver
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.plugins.networkvxlandriver.NetworkVxlanDriver
Dependencies (None)

Network driver for VXLAN networks. When creating a VXLAN type physical network, you must specify an extra option vnirange. viperflow

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.viperflow.ViperFlow
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.viperflow.ViperFlow

Standard network model for L2 SDN

API List

viperflow/createphysicalnetwork (type='vlan', id=None, **kwargs)

Create physical network.

  • type – Network type, usually one of vlan, vxlan, local, native
  • id – Specify the created physical network ID. If omitted or None, an UUID is generated.
  • **kwargs

    extended creation parameters. Look for the document of the corresponding driver. Common options include:

    list of [start,end] ranges like [[1000,2000]]. Both start and end are included. It specifies the usable VNI ranges for VXLAN network.
    list of [start,end] ranges like [[1000,2000]]. Both start and end are included. It specifies the usable VLAN tag ranges for VLAN network.

A dictionary of information of the created physical network.

viperflow/createphysicalnetworks (networks)

Create multiple physical networks in a transaction.

Parameters:networks – each should be a dictionary contains all the parameters in createphysicalnetwork
Returns:A list of dictionaries of information of the created physical networks.
viperflow/updatephysicalnetwork (id, **kwargs)

Update physical network with the specified ID.

  • id – physical network ID
  • **kwargs – attributes to be updated, usually the same attributes for creating.

A dictionary of information of the updated physical network.

viperflow/updatephysicalnetworks (networks)

Update multiple physical networks in a transaction

Parameters:networks – a list of dictionaries, each contains parameters of updatephysicalnetwork
Returns:A list of dictionaries of information of the updated physical network.
viperflow/deletephysicalnetwork (id)

Delete physical network with specified ID

Parameters:id – Physical network ID
Returns:{"status": "OK"}
viperflow/deletephysicalnetworks (networks)

Delete multiple physical networks with a transaction

Parameters:networks – a list of {"id": <id>} dictionaries.
Returns:{"status": "OK"}
viperflow/listphysicalnetworks (id=None, **kwargs)

Query physical network information

  • id – If specified, only return the physical network with the specified ID.
  • **kwargs – customized filters, only return a physical network if the attribute value of this physical network matches the specified value.

A list of dictionaries each stands for a matched physical network

viperflow/createphysicalport (physicalnetwork, name, vhost='', systemid='%', bridge='%', **kwargs)

Create physical port

  • physicalnetwork – physical network this port is in.
  • name – port name of the physical port, should match the name in OVSDB
  • vhost – only match ports for the specified vHost
  • systemid – only match ports on this systemid; or ‘%’ to match all systemids.
  • bridge – only match ports on bridges with this name; or ‘%’ to match all bridges.
  • **kwargs – customized creation options, check the driver document

A dictionary containing information of the created physical port.

viperflow/createphysicalports (ports)

Create multiple physical ports in a transaction

Parameters:ports – A list of dictionaries, each contains all parameters for createphysicalport
Returns:A list of dictionaries of information of the created physical ports
viperflow/updatephysicalport (name, vhost='', systemid='%', bridge='%', **kwargs)

Update physical port

  • name – Update physical port with this name.
  • vhost – Update physical port with this vHost.
  • systemid – Update physical port with this systemid.
  • bridge – Update physical port with this bridge name.
  • **kwargs – Attributes to be updated

Updated result as a dictionary.

viperflow/updatephysicalports (ports)

Update multiple physical ports with a transaction

Parameters:ports – a list of updatephysicalport parameters
Returns:Updated result as a list of dictionaries.
viperflow/deletephysicalport (name, vhost='', systemid='%', bridge='%')

Delete a physical port

  • name – physical port name.
  • vhost – physical port vHost.
  • systemid – physical port systemid.
  • bridge – physcial port bridge.

{"status": "OK"}

viperflow/deletephysicalports (ports)

Delete multiple physical ports in a transaction

Delete a physical port
Parameters:ports – a list of deletephysicalport parameters
Returns:{"status": "OK"}
viperflow/listphysicalports (name=None, physicalnetwork=None, vhost='', systemid='%', bridge='%', **kwargs)

Query physical port information

  • name – If specified, only return the physical port with the specified name.
  • physicalnetwork – If specified, only return physical ports in that physical network
  • vhost – If specified, only return physical ports for that vHost.
  • systemid – If specified, only return physical ports for that systemid.
  • bridge – If specified, only return physical ports for that bridge.
  • **kwargs – customized filters, only return a physical network if the attribute value of this physical network matches the specified value.

A list of dictionaries each stands for a matched physical network

viperflow/createlogicalnetwork (physicalnetwork, id=None, **kwargs)

Create logical network

  • physicalnetwork – physical network ID that contains this logical network
  • id – logical network ID. If ommited an UUID is generated.
  • **kwargs

    customized options for logical network creation. Common options include:

    Specify VNI / VLAN tag for VXLAN / VLAN network. If omitted, an unused VNI / VLAN tag is picked automatically.
    MTU value for this network. You can use 1450 for VXLAN networks.

A dictionary of information of the created logical port

viperflow/createlogicalnetworks (networks)

Create multiple logical networks in a transaction.

Parameters:networks – a list of createlogicalnetwork parameters.
Returns:a list of dictionaries for the created logical networks.
viperflow/updatelogicalnetwork (id, **kwargs)

Update logical network attributes of the ID

viperflow/updatelogicalnetworks (networks)

Update multiple logical networks in a transaction

viperflow/deletelogicalnetwork (id)

Delete logical network

viperflow/deletelogicalnetworks (networks)

Delete logical networks

Parameters:networks – a list of {"id":id}
Returns:{"status": "OK"}
viperflow/listlogicalnetworks (id=None, physicalnetwork=None, **kwargs)

Query logical network information

  • id – If specified, only return the logical network with the specified ID.
  • physicalnetwork – If specified, only return logical networks in this physical network.
  • **kwargs – customized filters, only return a logical network if the attribute value of this logical network matches the specified value.

A list of dictionaries each stands for a matched logical network

viperflow/createlogicalport (logicalnetwork, id=None, subnet=None, **kwargs)

Create logical port

  • logicalnetwork – logical network containing this port
  • id – logical port id. If omitted an UUID is created.
  • subnet – subnet containing this port
  • **kwargs

    customized options for creating logical ports. Common options are:

    port MAC address
    port IP address

a dictionary for the logical port

viperflow/createlogicalports (ports)

Create multiple logical ports in a transaction

viperflow/updatelogicalport (id, **kwargs)

Update attributes of the specified logical port

viperflow/updatelogicalports (ports)

Update multiple logcial ports

viperflow/deletelogicalport (id)

Delete logical port

viperflow/deletelogicalports (ports)

Delete multiple logical ports

viperflow/listlogicalports (id=None, logicalnetwork=None, **kwargs)

Query logical port

  • id – If specified, returns only logical port with this ID.
  • logicalnetwork – If specified, returns only logical ports in this network.
  • **kwargs – customzied filters

return matched logical ports

viperflow/createsubnet (logicalnetwork, cidr, id=None, **kwargs)

Create a subnet for the logical network.

  • logicalnetwork – The logical network is subnet is in.
  • cidr – CIDR of this subnet like ""
  • id – subnet ID. If omitted, an UUID is generated.
  • **kwargs

    customized creating options. Common options are:

    Gateway address for this subnet
    First IP of the allowed IP range.
    Last IP of the allowed IP range.
    A list of [dest_cidr, via] like [["", ""],["",""]]. This creates static routes on the subnet.
    This subnet can forward packet to external physical network
    A list of [{systemid, bridge, cidr, local_ip, remote_ip, ...}] Per host configuration, will union with public info when used

A dictionary of information of the subnet.

viperflow/createsubnets (subnets)

Create multiple subnets in a transaction.

viperflow/updatesubnet (id, **kwargs)

Update subnet attributes

viperflow/updatesubnets (subnets)

Update multiple subnets

viperflow/deletesubnet (id)

Delete subnet

viperflow/deletesubnets (subnets)

Delete multiple subnets

viperflow/listsubnets (id=None, logicalnetwork=None, **kwargs)

Query subnets

  • id – if specified, only return subnet with this ID
  • logicalnetwork – if specified, only return subnet in the network
  • **kwargs – customized filters

A list of dictionaries each stands for a matched subnet. vrouterapi

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.vrouterapi.VRouterApi
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.vrouterapi.VRouterApi

Standard network model for L3 SDN

API List

vrouterapi/createvirtualrouter (id=None, **kwargs)

Create a virtual router

  • id – Virtual router id. If omitted, an UUID is generated.
  • **kwargs – extra attributes for creation.

A dictionary of information of the virtual router.

vrouterapi/createvirtualrouters (routers)

Create multiple virtual routers in a transaction

vrouterapi/updatevirtualrouter (id, **kwargs)

Update virtual router

vrouterapi/updatevirtualrouters (routers)

Update multiple virtual routers

vrouterapi/deletevirtualrouter (id)

Delete virtual router

vrouterapi/deletevirtualrouters (routers)

Delete multiple virtual routers

vrouterapi/listvirtualrouters (id=None, **kwargs)

Query virtual router

  • id – if specified, only return virtual router with this ID
  • **kwargs – customized filter

a list of dictionaries each stands for a matched virtual router.

vrouterapi/addrouterinterface (router, subnet, id=None, **kwargs)

Connect virtual router to a subnet

  • router – virtual router ID
  • subnet – subnet ID
  • id – router port ID
  • **kwargs – customized options

A dictionary of information of the created router port

vrouterapi/addrouterinterfaces (interfaces)

Create multiple router interfaces

vrouterapi/removerouterinterface (router, subnet)

Remote a subnet from the router

  • router – virtual router ID
  • subnet – subnet ID

{"status": "OK"}

vrouterapi/removerouterinterfaces (interfaces)

Remote multiple subnets from routers

vrouterapi/listrouterinterfaces (id, **kwargs)

Query router ports from a virtual router

  • id – virtual router ID
  • **kwargs – customized filters on router interfaces

a list of dictionaries each stands for a matched router interface vtepcontroller

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.vtepcontroller.VtepController
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.vtepcontroller.VtepController

Controll a physical switch which supports OVSDB hardware_vtep protocol.

API List

vtepcontroller/listphysicalports (physicalswitch=None)

Get physical ports list from this controller, grouped by physical switch name

Parameters:physicalswitch – physicalswitch name. Return all switches if is None.
Returns:dictionary: {physicalswitch: [physicalports]} e.g. {‘ps1’: [‘port1’, ‘port2’]}
vtepcontroller/listphysicalswitches (physicalswitch=None)

Get physical switch info

Parameters:physicalswitch – physicalswitch name. Return all switches if is None.
Returns:dictionary: {physicalswitch: {key: value}} keys include: management_ips, tunnel_ips, description, switch_fault_status
vtepcontroller/updatelogicalswitch (physicalswitch, physicalport, vlanid, logicalnetwork, vni, logicalports)

Bind VLAN on physicalport to specified logical network, and update logical port vxlan info

  • physicalswitch – physical switch name, should be the name in PhysicalSwitch table of OVSDB vtep database
  • physicalport – physical port name, should be the name in OVSDB vtep database
  • vlanid – the vlan tag used for this logicalswitch
  • logicalnetwork – the logical network id, will also be the logical switch id
  • vni – the VXLAN VNI of the logical network
  • logicalports – a list of logical port IDs. The VXLAN info of these ports will be updated.
vtepcontroller/unbindlogicalswitch (physicalswitch, physicalport, vlanid, logicalnetwork)

Remove bind of a physical port

  • physicalswitch – physical switch name, should be the name in PhysicalSwitch table of OVSDB vtep database
  • physicalport – physical port name, should be the name in OVSDB vtep database
  • vlanid – the vlan tag used for this logicalswitch
  • logicalnetwork – the logical network id, will also be the logical switch id
vtepcontroller/unbindphysicalport (physicalswitch, physicalport)

Remove all bindings for a physical port

  • physicalswitch – physical switch name, should be the name in PhysicalSwitch table of OVSDB vtep database
  • physicalport – physical port name, should be the name in OVSDB vtep database vxlancast

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.vxlancast.VXLANCast
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.vxlancast.VXLANCast

VXLAN single-cast and broadcast functions vxlanvtep

Loading Path vlcp.service.sdn.vxlanvtep.VXLANVtep
Class Reference vlcp.service.sdn.vxlanvtep.VXLANVtep
Dependencies (None)

Use hardware_vtep instead of software VXLAN

API List

vxlanvtep/get_vxlan_bind_info (systemid=None)

get vxlan -> vlan , bind info autoload

Loading Path vlcp.service.utils.autoload.AutoLoad
Class Reference vlcp.service.utils.autoload.AutoLoad
Dependencies (None)

Auto load some modules from a package. Usually used to load network plugins. knowledge

Loading Path vlcp.service.utils.knowledge.Knowledge
Class Reference vlcp.service.utils.knowledge.Knowledge
Dependencies (None)

Simple KV-cache in memory. A base for other KV-DB. Data is automatically removed after timeout. Use knowledge instead of local storage in modules so data is not lost on module restarting.

API List

knowledge/get (key, timeout=None)

Get value from key

knowledge/set (key, value, timeout=None)

Set value to key, with an optional timeout

knowledge/delete (key)

Delete a key

knowledge/mget (keys)

Get multiple values from multiple keys

knowledge/mgetwithcache (keys, cache=None)

Get multiple values, cached when possible

knowledge/mset (kvpairs, timeout=None)

Set multiple values on multiple keys

knowledge/update (key, updater, timeout=None)

Update in-place with a custom function

  • key – key to update
  • updaterfunc(k,v), should return a new value to update, or return None to delete
  • timeout – new timeout

the updated value, or None if deleted

knowledge/mupdate (keys, updater, timeout=None)

Update multiple keys in-place one by one with a custom function, see update. Either all success, or all fail.

knowledge/updateall (keys, updater, timeout=None)

Update multiple keys in-place, with a function updater(keys, values) which returns (updated_keys, updated_values). Either all success or all fail

knowledge/updateallwithtime (keys, updater, timeout=None)

Update multiple keys in-place, with a function updater(keys, values, timestamp) which returns (updated_keys, updated_values). Either all success or all fail.

Timestamp is a integer standing for current time in microseconds. remotecall

Loading Path vlcp.service.utils.remoteapi.RemoteCall
Class Reference vlcp.service.utils.remoteapi.RemoteCall
Dependencies (None)

Route local API calls to remote management API.

API List

remotecall/call (remote_module, method, timeout, params)

Call remote API

  • remote_module – target name for the remote module
  • method – method name of the API
  • timeout – timeout for the call
  • params – A dictionary contains all the parameters need for the call

Return result from the remote call session

Loading Path vlcp.service.utils.session.Session
Class Reference vlcp.service.utils.session.Session

HTTP Session with cookies

API List

session/start (cookies, cookieopts=None)

Session start operation. First check among the cookies to find existed sessions; if there is not an existed session, create a new one.

  • cookies – cookie header from the client
  • cookieopts – extra options used when creating a new cookie

(session_handle, cookies) where session_handle is a SessionHandle object, and cookies is a list of created Set-Cookie headers (may be empty)

session/create ()

Create a new session object

Returns:Session handle for the created session object.
session/get (sessionid, refresh=True)

Get the seesion object of the session id

  • sessionid – a session ID
  • refresh – if True, refresh the expiration time of this session

Session object or None if not exists

session/destroy (sessionid)

Destroy a session

Parameters:sessionid – session ID
Returns:a list of Set-Cookie headers to be sent to the client static

Loading Path vlcp.service.web.static.Static
Class Reference vlcp.service.web.static.Static

Map specified path to local files

API List

static/updateconfig ()

Reload configurations, remove non-exist servers, add new servers, and leave others unchanged dockerplugin

Loading Path vlcp_docker.dockerplugin.DockerPlugin
Class Reference vlcp_docker.dockerplugin.DockerPlugin

Integrate VLCP with Docker

API List

dockerplugin/getdockerinfo (portid)

Get docker info for specified port

3.2.5. Proxy Module List

Proxy modules are configurable modules that proxy abstract API requests to different implementations. See proxy for more information. updatenotifier

Default redisnotifier kvstorage

Default redisdb memorystorage

Default knowledge